Renaissance Faire Wiki

"Lo Di Oh" is a song written by Melissa Tropp which emerged originally as the anthem of the Fooles' Troupe during the Feast of Fooles year in 1997 at the Bristol Renaissance Faire. The chorus lyrics are as follows:

"Lo di oh n doh n doh, Lo di oh n doh; Lo di oh n doh n doh, Doh n doh n doh."

Each person joining in the singing of the song may seize the opportunity to create a verse in the following format, which is only presented as an example, and is not intended to dictate the actual lyrics, which should be ex tempore:

"We are making up a song, Making up a song -- We are making up a song, Making up a song. Hey!"

Then all join back in for the "lo-di-ohs."

While the song is usually performed allegro, in a major key, the group may choose to sing the more lachrymose adagio version occasionally, and in a minor key. This is usually only done for one verse and chorus, however, after which "Hey!" is shouted and the song returns to its allegro fun times.

This song can still be heard to this day every so often during the [Closing Parade], sung at the tail end by members of [Kids Kingdom] and [Street], where the first lyric is undoubtedly:

"We are going to the gate, Going to the gate -- We are going to the gate, Going to the gate. Hey!"

Alternate Uses at Faire Although it was not used in 2004, Kids Kingdom still uses this tune when they go on Treasure Hunt. The lyrics to that version are:

"Going on a treasure hunt, On a treasure hunt -- Going on a treasure hunt, On a treasure hunt. Hey!"

No "lo-di-ohs" are used in this version.
